Friday, April 29, 2011

My To Do List

For six years, pharmacy school consumed my life. Especially the last three years- everything had to be put on hold. I often found myself starting my sentences with "when I finish school.....". Now that I'm officially done, alhamdulilah, I have such a long list I don't even know where to begin! I start rotations/grad school in a week, and so I can only take care of low budget goals for now.
Things I want to accomplish this year:
- memorize the Quran
- make MAS College events better and more beneficial than they've ever been
- successfully co/lead an usrah/halaqa
- paint
- exercise regularly
- perform umrah
- visit Algeria
- read novels
- keep up this blog and make it beneficial to both myself and others

I realize the worst thing one can do is overwhelm themselves with things to do...especially while working and studying full-time. I hope to refer to this list and be able to check things off as time goes on. I pray that Allah swt gives us all patience and puts baraka in our time so we can accomplish all that we dream of insha'Allah!


Bismillah al Rahman al Raheem

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
I'm excited about this starting this blog...never in a million years would I have thought I'd actually have one..but here it is and here I am :). Insha'Allah this can serve as a healthy way for me to channel and express my thoughts and feelings regarding events going on in my life and around the world. I hope you benefit from this as much as I do!

Fi aman Allah