Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Beautiful Encounter

Yesterday afternoon I was in the masjid cafe purchasing a chocolate chip cookie (typical lol) and chatting with my friend who was working behind the counter. A Hispanic-looking man in probably his early 40s quietly walked in and stood behind me in line. He ordered some milk and a blondie....then decided he wanted two blondies instead. 
Cashier jokingly: "You can't have two that's so unhealthy...I feel bad giving you one!"
Man laughing: "It's ok I ran today"
Cashier: "That's even worse, you're just going to get back what you burned off"
Man: "Actually I run twice everyday"
Me: "Seriously?..."
Man: "Yeah...I used to be a professional soccer player..about 10 years ago. We had to run all the time. Played for the LA Galaxy"
Me: "Wait whaaaat? like you're famous? What's your name...and what are you doing here??"
The man laughed and gave his name in some indecipherable Spanish...and asked if we were into soccer. The cashier told him that she followed the World Cup, and he excitedly started telling us about how he was there helping out. He took out his phone and showed us all these pictures of him with other athletes and celebrities there. He explained that he currently works with FIFA and basically had unlimited access...he then shows us older pictures of him as a player both on the field and in the locker room.
We decided to sit down at a table....he was eating his two blondies and I was taking care of my chocolate chip cookie. I asked him again about what brought him to the ISBCC..He explained that he was in Boston for a while for some business regarding the Major League Soccer and then says:
"I just converted to Islam.....last night"
SubhanAllah...my mouth dropped open. He looked me straight in the eye and stated that last night, for the first time in his life, he could "actually sleep". The first time he felt at peace. SubhanAllah. 
He went on very softly, "you should've seen the text messages I was getting from my friends...telling me to go out with them and all. I don't want to do any of that. I don't want to live like that... I haven't even had alcohol in 15 years. And I don't eat pork". At this point he started to cry and had my eyes tearing up as well.."I woke up this morning and the only place I wanted to be was here. I have only been here once, and it feels like home...it really feels like home. I don't ever want to leave here, I don't want to be anywhere else right now...I showered and came straight here, to where my brothers and sisters are". SubhanAllah...subhanAllah how Allah guides whom He wills...how else would an ex-professional athlete, who has no obvious connection to Islam or Muslims, find the truth other than by the mercy of Allah swt. We talked for a bit longer, and then I had to leave, but insha'Allah I hope to meet him again before he leaves to wherever else Major League Soccer takes him. As we were parting he said "thank you...umm uhh I mean...what's that word...Ja-- something". I couldn't help but laugh. "You mean Jazak Allah khayr? haha don't worry you can say thank you". I walked out of the masjid to the train station with a giant smile on my face. The whole encounter was just beautiful...this man was like a baby. A new Muslim...a clean slate. Insha'Allah nothing he did before that day would count against him..no words he said, places he has been to, things he has done...all erased with the mercy of Allah swt. A man who lived in seemingly fortunate circumstances, with fame and money, was still not at peace until he found the light he had been looking for. May Allah swt continue to guide Him, and guide people through him. May He make it easy for him, and make him steadfast in his deen. May this new Muslim continue to inspire others, as he has inspired me. Ameen, ameen, ameen.